Possible Military Action Against Iran

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GhostSheets, Mar 2, 2012.

Possible Military Action Against Iran

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GhostSheets, Mar 2, 2012.

  1. GhostSheets

    GhostSheets Opus Eponymous

    Dec 3, 2011
    Just wondering if everyone is following the news as closely as I am.

    If you don't know, Iran has been developing nuclear technology over the past years that they claim is for civilian purposes and for providing energry to the nation. The US and Israel both fear that Iran has reached a sort of critical mass stage in their enichment of plutonium rods and that they may begin to now incorporate their successes into nuclear warheads. Now because Iran and Israel have such radically different religious pasts, Israel is literally fearing that Iran may, for lack of a better phrase, "turn them into a parking lot".

    Israel has now asked that the US support them from a military perspective if they decide to strike on Iran first. Israel, Saudi Arabia, Britain and more would ally up against Iran if necessary. But Iran is potentially allying up with it's own backers if this develops into something further.

    We could be looking at something very serious here very soon because at this point Israel is saying that if Iran crosses any more red lines in the development of their nuclear program that they would be forced to take military action against them.

    I'm thinking that because sometimes their religious beliefs take precedence over diplomatic resolutions that this isn't something that's just going to wind down. Stuff is going to happen over there. Probably this year.

    What you you guys hearing or reading and what are your thoughts?

    G, =-COFEE
  2. Rasmus Christensen

    Rasmus Christensen Donating Member

    Dec 7, 2011
    Well as of right now the Danish news networks isn't touching that stuff, I guess it's just a matter of time before they do now that Irans nuclear research has reached a threatening level.
    If Operation invading Iran is going through, it's going to have some consequences. What i don't know.

    And just as a sidenote: Religion plays a huge role in this whole thing.
  3. DubTx

    DubTx Donating Member

    Dec 16, 2011
    If you tell me you mean me no harm, I might give you the benefit of the doubt. If you tell me you're going to wipe my nation off the face of the earth, I'll take you at your word.
  4. DubTx

    DubTx Donating Member

    Dec 16, 2011
    If something happens and it takes the BAD turn... We're screwed. All of us. Globally.

    While it would not take the entire supply of oil out of play, it would take such a significant amount out that Gold and Diamonds would be far less valuable. Forget the price of gasoline, the price of EVERYTHING would skyrocket. When trucks can't make deliveries due to lack of fuel or it's simply too expensive, food riots would probably start within 10 days. Consider that on average there is only three days worth of food on store shelves. How much food is produced where you live? Do you even know? How much of our staple crops are produced on large corporate farms that are designed to operate with large ag machinery vs. small tractor/combine farming? Do you live in an area where your part of the power grid is coal fired? How is the coal going to get there when diesel locomotives are severely limited due to fuel shortages or priced out? Forget brownouts, you're looking at rolling blackouts. Areas that have hydro or nuclear plants will be looked at to make up for a reduction in coal fired capacity. I doubt the grid can handle it and wouldn't be surprised to see large areas disconnect themselves from the grid for self preservation. What happens when your bank is closed because of a rolling blackout and you need cash?

    Yes, there are plenty of oil reserves elsewhere but every link in the chain right now is geared for cheap, abundant overseas oil. I've seen estimates in the past that say it would take 5 years to build up our internal drilling capacity. Oh, and it takes oil to drill for oil. And we need pipelines to get the crude to the refineries; trucks and trains can't cut it.

    I've been studying this stuff since fall 2007 and I'm telling you that our entire global society is too fragile. It's built for speed and convenience not robustness and survivability. So if this goes bad, I'm not much worried about the main players and whether there's a new parking lot in another part of the world; I'm worried about the rest of us.

    And if we don't do it to ourselves, the sun will do it for us. In 1859 a solar flare fried telegraphs all over. It's called The Carrington Event (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrington_event). If that were to happen today, we're toast. We won't just be thrown back to pre-electricity times, we'd be back in the stone age but wearing cooler clothes.

  5. Franko

    Franko .

    Dec 3, 2011
    Somethings going to happen. No doubt. I'ts been in the play deck for a long time. Most likely this year.
  6. Franko

    Franko .

    Dec 3, 2011
    Hopefully Obama can overcome his puppeteers (Major corporations who will benifit from war) and make Isreal step down from their position.

    All this is happening meanwhile CNN is covering fuckin tornadoes. Tornadoes happen every god damn year, and these people know they live in tornado country and we act all surprised when one tears the shit out of a town! OMG shit happens! No need to spend so much time covering it.
  7. Franko

    Franko .

    Dec 3, 2011
    meh now CNN is covering the Israel / Iran situation.
  8. CrazyKillerCat

    CrazyKillerCat Admin & Graphics Designer

    Dec 3, 2011
    Same here, I think it's just a matter of time before something goes down.!?!?!?
    Rasmus Christensen likes this.
  9. DubTx

    DubTx Donating Member

    Dec 16, 2011
    I'm of the opinion it's already started.

    • Months ago there was a huge explosion at a facility that was blamed on an ammunition accident.
    • I've seen analysts who say that the damage was far too great for that.
    • Not long after that a recon UAV is lost.
  10. Franko

    Franko .

    Dec 3, 2011
    Oh hell yeah, I guarantee we have had special forces teams, im talkin like 2-4 man black-op teams embedded in Irans cities for a while now. Can pretty much gaurentee it actually. Of course we would NEVER be told, even if a war broke out and years after it ended.