The assault on Scarred Mesa Skydock

Discussion in 'PS2 Media' started by InsaneSeal, Apr 10, 2013.

The assault on Scarred Mesa Skydock

Discussion in 'PS2 Media' started by InsaneSeal, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. InsaneSeal

    InsaneSeal .

    Nov 20, 2012
    Yesterday the VS and NC decided it was time to remove the TR continent lock on Indar. The NC and VS formed an alliance to take back what they felt like was an un-deserved victory by the TR. While the NC pushed from the west, the VS pushed from the north. Taking everything TR had. We managed to take every TR territory except Valley Storage Yard. With the TR pinned into this one place, the NC and VS pushed in. With the VS on top of the cliffs at Valley Storage Yard, the NC pushed in from Feldspar Canyon. Everything was thrown at the TR: MAX crashing, armor columns, Galaxy drops, and rocket spam. We struggled to push the point, but we were making progress.

    When all of a sudden... A WILD REGION RESET APPEARS (no one knows exactly why it happened, but it was a very convenient reset *shifty eyes*). Mass panic ensued, we threw everything we could at the point before the reset happened. The chat was filled with "OH NOES!" from the VS/NC and "LULZ" from the TR. More MAXes, More armor, more everything. "You have been disconnected by the server" filled the screens of all of those who were on Indar at the time.

    After a minute or so of down time, the server was back up. Everyone scrambled to get back to Valley Storage before the TR got back online. The VS got there, cleaned up what little TR was there and secured the territory, but this was not enough to rid of the lock TR held. While most of us was at Valley Storage, the TR pushed west and decided to take up a more defensible position: Scarred Mesa Skydock. After the TR got the skydock, there was no way anyone was taking it from them. Even with the NC/VS alliance. While most everyone bashed their heads against the skydock, NNG was clean up what was left by the TR. Fighting platoon after platoon, we managed to take everything the TR held except the skydock. We held their warpgate.

    After thirty minutes or so, someone over leader chat came on and said something along the lines of "Shoot the NC! F*** the alliance!". This made a few people in leader chat mad. Going back and forth between why we should/should not respect the alliance. NNG got in and said why we should respect it, and someone said something like "NNG is garbage". I'm not sure what was said exactly. We decided if you don't need us then well leave the territory around the TR warpgate un-defended.

    We redployed back to the warpgate to load up into galaxies to head over to the skydock fun. To our surprise, AT was forming up a massive galaxy crash inside the warpgate. We thought if we were going to Scarred Mesa, this was the time.

    Afterwards, we went in on foot and tried to take the point with the NC. It didn't work out very well. For the most part people were respecting the alliance, but as always there has to be a few bad apples. Which inevitably ended the alliance and the assault on Scarred Mesa Skydock.​
    All though the NC/VS could not take the base from the TR, it was an amazing battle all around. So many people, a lot of coordination between the VS and NC, and a great defense by the TR, made my experience on Planetside 2 far greater than anything any other FPS could offer. Because of that i hope the TR never lose the lock on Indar, and the VS/NC never give up on taking it back. So that we have epic battles like this more often. This is why i left Battlefield and started playing Planetside, and this is why I'll continue to play.​
    lvloss likes this.
  2. NOrrTH

    NOrrTH .

    Jan 27, 2013
    Great summary! Thanks for taking the time to write it up
  3. Phaedo

    Phaedo The Weeaboo Hunter

    Jan 27, 2013
    It's too bad we outsmarted them during prime time on 4/10/2013 (10/04/2013 for the non-Americans) and took sky dock before they had the chance to fall back to it. They lost Indar within the hour. Nothing was more satisfying than that sky dock collaboration on the 9th (when those videos were recorded).

    Well almost nothing.... all the TR QQing in /yell about how "we didnt take away their hard earned lock with honor. and we had to team up to do it." was quite satisfying.

    Right like the TR and the NC never double teamed us. and because ghost capping the entire continent at 4am Monday morning during an alert with 82% population is such an honorable way to cap the continent.

    I'm glad they lost it. The never deserved it in the first place.