Risk, reward and the price you pay for it.

Discussion in 'WT Main' started by Nraged, Jul 17, 2013.

Risk, reward and the price you pay for it.

Discussion in 'WT Main' started by Nraged, Jul 17, 2013.

  1. Nraged

    Nraged I fly things

    Dec 17, 2012
    Posting from my phone so if something looks retarded, blame it on the autocorrect.

    I got up to tier 14 and about to hit 15. My highest plane is tier 14, followed by 13 and than 12, 10, 9,8, 7. I did by a few extra slots.

    Every other game that I join has a MIG9 in it which is a rank 18 jet WTF?
    I'm not familiar with ranking of other jets but between that and BF109s I manage to go through 5-6 planes every game.
    I got 3 LAs with bombs just for emergency situations when we need to take out those last couple of ground targets and win the round. At the end of the round I get slapped with a huge repair bill. About 10-15k on average.
    This is totally fine for when I dogfight so I end up with 6-7 kills and some ground targets, but when I try to be a teamplayer and try to get 10-20 ground kills, I end up getting totally screwed.
    The ground kills are not as rewarding but repairing my LA7-20B really is.
    Flying slow bombers when there are jets up in the air is kind of pointless, you get sprayed once and your wing is gone so can't really count in that.

    I've been trying to mix things up a bit between air and ground targets but can't really find that perfect balance.

    My thought on this is that they should make the ground kills more rewarding or lower the price of repairs which they will never do because it makes them money. Their win/kill/reward system needs some serious work IMO.
  2. Linchpinn

    Linchpinn Resident Slacker

    Aug 12, 2012
    I think one of the reasons ground targets dont pay too well (witch makes bomber play hard to justify) is because if those ground targets are worth more, then the fighters will be more likely to focus on them. As in, getting more per kill would make it so there are less targets to even go for by the time the bombers make it that far into the map. Not really coming out ahead in the bomber, but people from the fighters will get paid alot more.

    I think what the need to do is keep track of what kind of air asset (fight or bomber) is killing the target ground unit, and pay accordingly. For example, you get more for having 10 ground kills in your bomber then you would for 10 ground kills in your fighter. This would help the air to air guys pay more attention to their dog fights, and give the bombers more incentive to be played well.

    Aslo, I personally dont find arcade battles as much fun above lvl 12 or so. Now that I've got all my air forces up to around that level range, I find myself playing Historical mode much more then I used to. My advice to you if you start finding your matches hard would be to start working on your other countries, or attempt to get into Historical more. Just my 2 cents.