NNG improved my game

Discussion in 'PS2 Main' started by Ajax, Jun 12, 2013.

NNG improved my game

Discussion in 'PS2 Main' started by Ajax, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. Ajax

    Ajax I piss on Spark Plugs

    Dec 11, 2012
    I know another thread about how great NNG made me :)

    I wish I had the screenies to show my improvement since I joined NNG, I know Jaamaw can vouch for me on this though.
    When I joined NNG I barely had a 1.0 K/D ratio, I used to be strictly a sniper and nothing else and my score per hour was a 110 per minute. Since Joining NNG in roughly Jan/Feb cant remember when, I have now raised that K/D to a 1.71 with a score per hour of 210 I also mainly still play light assault but fell back a bit to my roots as an infiltrator now with an SMG. I've managed to get Auraxium medals in the following..
    Prox Mines
    V-10 Sniper Rifle
    Sirius SMG
    Phobos (Shotgun)

    Im over halfway there with the Pulsar C and the Eradani (SMG)

    I just want to thank you all who helped elevate my game and to Jaamaw who gave me the chance and helped me want to improve to make NNG a better outfit.
    Also to Vonic who constantly shows this old dog new tricks that work well for him.
    Feel free to post your improvement stories in this thread as well !
    Titanis, Vonic, DaPoets and 1 other person like this.