AA is out of control.

Discussion in 'PS2 Main' started by Nraged, Feb 7, 2013.

AA is out of control.

Discussion in 'PS2 Main' started by Nraged, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. Weevils

    Weevils .

    Dec 15, 2012
    I blame this entirely on the annihilator.
    Forsakened and Nraged like this.
  2. DiscoPotato

    DiscoPotato .

    Nov 9, 2012
    Unfortunately this is all too common in Free2play games.

    Sales will always hold a higher priority over balance. After all balance in a game like this is going to be slower for business.

    I hate to put on my conspiracy hat here but anyone who has dealt with Riot Games will be all too familiar with the term

    Flavor of the month (fotm).

    Want to sell a lot of rocket pod upgrades? Allow air superiority to reign unchecked for a few months. Once rocket pod sales slow and everyone who wanted them as finally bought them it's time to bring them into checked balance.

    How do we allow them to fall into balance? Well we just push a new product designed to counter that one! So now we have annihilators at coincidentally the same SC cost as the previous fotm. SOE has provided the reason and the motivation for our new purchases.

    When I first started playing this game I realized SOE would be selling us the bullets that pierce the latest armor proof vest, and the newest armor proof vest that would stop the armor piercing bullets.

    Lawls Want to play international gun runner? Work for Ps2 dev team


    Still doubt me? take a look at the Ranger Gd7f 2nd seat for magriders. This weapon was designed with the sole intention of stopping rocket pods, sweet! Wait uh.. don't I have a walker for that.. couldn't you just have made the walker stop esf?
    Nraged and Phragg like this.
  3. Nraged

    Nraged I fly things

    Dec 17, 2012
    great post Disco, I agree with it 100%

    As for RIOT, IMO they're not like that at all. Since every champion in LoL can be bought for IP as oppose to cash, its easy to get enough points to buy one every month without really spending much time playing. 2 games a day, 100 points each game plus the daily bonuses x30 days = enough points to buy a new champion. Again, considering that you would want to play that champion since not all of them will fit your gamestyle. What they do make a lot of money on is the skins because people like to show off their skins and their champ looks a little differnt and they want to make their favorie champ look good :) I did spend about $200 on LoL lol! Cant help it, and most importantly I dont feel bad about it.
  4. DiscoPotato

    DiscoPotato .

    Nov 9, 2012
    keep in mind, you can buy every available weapon with certs (influence points) as well.

    In riot tradition also, only real money can be used to purchase camos (skins).

    Also if you do some quick math the cost of a 700 SC weapon is right in line with the cost of a 975 RP champion.

    Anyone who played right before ps2 launch might be familiar with Pulsefire ezreal. This is a skin for a champion (with no in game benefits) that cost just over $25.00 USD!!!

    Why is this important? It is the only champion in the game with a skin near this cost.

    Who is this champion? For a year straight it has been ranked the #1 Damaging Carry in the game. The character is picked in EVERY major tournament by the highest ranked players over and over and over.

    See the connection? Riot makes balance tweaks every 2 weeks. Ezreal was actually buffed prior to pulsfire ezreal a year ago, untouched since.

    Those 25 skins are everywhere now.
    Nraged likes this.
  5. Nraged

    Nraged I fly things

    Dec 17, 2012
    I undestand what you're saying but in this case, the skin doesnt give you any kind of advantage at all, in PS2 weapons do make a difference.
    I think the best way to compare Ezrael's skin would be with PS2's current skins and SOE releasing new ones which would look totally awesome but only after people would stop buying the current ones. We all know that this is exactly whats going to happen.

    Anyways, G2A needs a nerf. I dont read PS2 forums, ever. Do people bitch about AA there?
  6. DiscoPotato

    DiscoPotato .

    Nov 9, 2012
    Ah i see what you mean. Youre right about that, with ps2 I hope we stop seeing such large balance swings
    Nraged likes this.
  7. Molecularize

    Molecularize .

    Nov 21, 2012
    Feb 7th hotfix...

    • Nanite Auto Repair System
      • Disabled from damage time decreased by 2 seconds.
      • Amount of damage repaired increased for all vehicles
    • ESF Composite Armor
      • Increased bonus against flak by 5% each rank.
      • Increased bonus against small arms fire by 2% each rank.
    • M14 Banshee
      • Increased direct hit damage to 140 (up from 110).
      • Magazine certline adjusted to 6/9/12/15.
    • Lock-on weapons (A2A Missiles & Lock-on heavy assault weapons)
      • Lock-on Angle reduced. Targets must be closer to the center of the crosshair in order to lock-on.
    • NS Annihilator
      • Base lock-on acquire time increased from 2 seconds to 3 seconds.

    Of course they also added the walker to sunderers, which is nice for the sundy in general but another GtA weapon platform isn't exactly what the game needs right now :P
    Nraged and Jaamaw like this.
  8. Nraged

    Nraged I fly things

    Dec 17, 2012
    I played last night for about an hour until the server starting acting up again, noticed that people werent flying.... at all!
    I logged on when we were at xenotech/reagent rock and my first thought was... oh we're getting so close to the warp gate, they will probably be coming in with air like crazy, lemme get on the pad and help out with AA.. 10 minutes later I was still standing on that pad without having to fire a single missle.
    So with yesterday's hotfix, they have added Walker to the Sundy, which means that there is even more AA now lol WTF hahaha
    Now imagine parking 2 doublewalker Sunderers somewhere up on the hill.... yeah
  9. Forsakened

    Forsakened .

    Nov 1, 2012
    I love the QQ threads except when they are true.
  10. 3dfx

    3dfx .

    Nov 19, 2012
    Increased downtime? SOE's data pointed at too much time killing (just look at air KDR and xp/hr).
    Air can't engage AA? That's the point of AA - to efficiently deter air or eliminate it if its over zealous.

    Sounds like you need to adapt to the new situation and realize that you aren't (and possible won't ever be) as effective as you previously were. Work on developing new methods to engage targets and how to better identify unfavorable situations. Alternatively, don't fly and wait for someone else to develop the new methods for you... or wait for an update (which may or may never come).

    Your opinion of things requiring skill/manual aim is baseless. There's no reason for required skill to be equal between different things, nor does it effect true balance. In fact things are rarely equal in gaming (or life).