I'm already dieing I wanna play planetside2 lol. I posted uncut normal speed because I really don't like when people post video of just there best highlights that being said I understand no one wants to sit through the boring parts so sorry for that also sorry for not being where i was supposed to be the hole time i seem to get lost like every 4 minute looking for ammo or wile being chased. I had a personal way point on safe ammo but it didn't seem to help much. It's going to take me a bit to figure out how to keep an air squad together. i posted this because the last 2 or 3 minutes has a fairly well executed reverse banking slide and shooting back at him wile he tries to catch me. i would have killed them both if my turbo-laser didn't get nerfed too much. I'd love cheese with my wine! also kinda get to see the VXS6-7's hip fire with laser dot sight that's not even the advanced one.
Lol, I was watching to see if you caught a sight of the jerk who crashed into me from above me.. I flew low for a reason, so that someone WOULDN'T hit me while retreating back to the patrol zone, but nooooo... had to ruin my fun. Also, cool video Only suggestion I would have is, besides it being Raw, figure out how to keep that mouse off the recording! It drove me nuts!! Watching you has made me want to raise my mouse sensitivity for flight. The sharp turns you sometimes make require me to move my hand across my entire desk.
Something i think this video highlights very well is how important and badly needed ammo sunderers are, having ammo with the group would go a really long way towards keeping us together. Especially for for air!!! the ones I assumed would have the least problem with it but it turns out the distractions on the way to and form the ammo pads breaks us up.
I think compared to other games, such as Battlefield, the flight physics are a bit easier to manage. To be honest you don't even feel any resistance from the air, so the only thing stopping how much you can turn is your mouse sensitivity almost.
Well, tbh I never played BF3. But from my experience in BF2, The flying mechanics were a lot tougher. 1. You couldn't "Hover" or increase altitude with a press of a button, the only way to gain altitude was to fly up, with enough speed to carry you, and 2. there was a lot more interference from the air bearing down on your aircraft, making it harder to turn, the sharper the turn you were trying to make. I feel like in Planetside 2, we don't face any resistance what-so-ever when moving in the air, other than the threat of other pilots crashing into you :P And just being honest I could be totally wrong. And this is not saying that it's easy to fly in Planetside 2. Still takes quite a bit of getting used to :P
Wait do you mean like you turn faster when you slow down? That's been in the game as long as I've been flying you just don't notice until you set a key to pitch up and pitch down. It was look up and down but now it's pitch!
I got the second bar in dog-fighting yesterday and I can still do it but the speed you move back is much slower I'm thinking it will get better with 3 bars. I did have the certs saved up for dog-fighting when it came out in beta I never tried flying without it, that's why I didn't notice till release. You DO need all 3 bars in dog-fighting to do it with more speed! still having a hard time getting afterburner power to go to ascend thrust. It's spotty!