kind of want to get me a tali, but i dont know wheater i will even use it that much. I already have a redemeer with LTI and a hornet so im not sure if i should get the tali at all
What Iolar said. Although to be honest, I did get a Tali off the grey market. I should've waited. (I also have the scout with LTI. lol)
Tali as in retaliator? I hope you weren't looking for a bomber because if I'm not mistaken, the one up for pledge is basically a transport ship. Not to say you can't re-outfit it later though. "This civilian refit of the Retaliator trades the ship's massive torpedo bays for equally massive cargo capacity."
Does the Retaliator include Weapons? YES. We’re aware of a long-running discussion on the matter and would like to put it to rest right now. The version of the Retaliator available for pledge today (and previously) includes the bomb bay and defensive turrets. (The ship won’t include pre-stocked munitions in the bomb bay, it will be up to players to load their own ships in that regard!) the one for pledge was a beefed up one