Discussion in 'Main' started by GhostSheets, Nov 26, 2014.


Discussion in 'Main' started by GhostSheets, Nov 26, 2014.

  1. GhostSheets

    GhostSheets Opus Eponymous

    Dec 3, 2011
    Hey folks,

    First of all I wanted to thank all of you for being a part of this community. For the past 6-12 months we've gone through our share of drama but now it's time to talk about next steps. Steps that face in the direction of getting NNG back to what it's good at. Gaming and having fun with friends while keeping the BS out.

    Before NNG had division leaders or officers, people were both asked to step up or stepped up on their own contribute to the community based on any talents they had, that could be beneficial to NNG. This was completely voluntary and people did it for fun. Because they WANTED to, not because they had to. And that was fucking awesome! The structure of NNG was flat. All parts being equal. And NNG as a whole was greater than the sum of all the parts.

    We had video editors volunteer to make videos and edit things for people.
    We had graphics guys like @@CrazyKillerCat @@Doomforge help brand NNG and make the forums look cool.
    We had people volunteer to moderate our servers, our forums, teamspeak, etc. to make sure the no nonsense way was enforced.
    We had people rise up and run divisions because people gravitated to them as natural leaders.

    It's time to start the next wave of defining NNG. To make this a place that is kick ass to visit in our spare time and help foster the sense of community that we all love so much when it comes to gaming. Because we all know that when it comes to playing multiplayer games; going solo sucks, playing them with people you don't know sucks a bit less, but playing them with people who you can laugh and have a great time with (hopefully while kicking ass) is what makes this whole thing WORK.

    This is an open invitation.

    What would you like to see around here? Some examples:
    • A new division for X game.
    • A new forum feature or utility.
    • A new recruitment process.
    It can be anything! As projects are suggested and gather attention, people can put together teams/groups and be empowered to run with those ideas. I think moving in the direction of organic decision making and having a community that moves like a flock of birds rather than having one "lead bird" or "bird council" directing traffic is the best path forward at this point. Instead of viewing me or anyone else as a "leader", let's perhaps view NNG as a company that has been bought out by its own employees. Those employees are now the major stakeholders and shareholders and can work together to chart the future course. New divisions can form, and there will be the obligatory leaders of those divisions, but that should be seen as someone who will fire the troops up, keep things organized, help strategize and plan for that division.

    I'd like to here some comments on the above paragraph specifically.
    To be clear, as it stands now, the idea of a council is being back burnered (perhaps indefinitely) to see if we can move to a model where we all have say, rather than a select view.

    I have run the above message past the current division leaders and have their buy in to get this message out in front of you all.

    OK, lastly,

    I think all decision making going forward should keep these three things in mind:
    • Keep the nonsense OUT.
    • Keep the fun IN.
    • We are a community! - Not a guild, a clan, or a competitive group.
    So that said, let's here some ideas. Nothing is too small or too far fetched!

    HIGHLANDER Administrator,Motivational speaker,van dweller

    Jan 29, 2013
    Recruitment.....I think we have the process in place, but if someone needs to know about it I most assuredly can share it with you.
    Forum Feature/TS changes can we please move Battlefield and Planteside out of other games and make them prevalent on the forums as well as on TS. I would but my time at work without interruptions never happens.
    Keep it simple and have fun as we have had over the past two weeks.
  3. icebalm

    icebalm Administrator

    May 4, 2013
    I would like to get recruitment going again for PS2 if Highlander or Ghost or whomever can help me out with that?
    Phaedo and Quanton Biscuit like this.
  4. icebalm

    icebalm Administrator

    May 4, 2013
    I like the idea Ghost, and I am curious to see how well it works.
  5. GhostSheets

    GhostSheets Opus Eponymous

    Dec 3, 2011
    We should consider @Kowlefe and @Hospiwhater for recruitment since they seem to do it well. Kowlefe did it for years and had it down to a science.

    We still have the recruitment forms so its just a matter of reactivating them. Doing the actual heavy lifting and getting people to apply is the tricky part.

    HIGHLANDER Administrator,Motivational speaker,van dweller

    Jan 29, 2013
    The process is get on comms submit your app on the site. The time from recruit to active can be determined by the players. We did one week in WT and it seemed to work well.and both Kowl and Hospi do it well Recruitment that it
  7. Hospiwhater

    Hospiwhater .

    May 17, 2014
    Recruitung for me was easy at first as all I had to do was file the paperwork and keep it organized, we had a month trial period, mostly to try to keep the active players and weed out the ones that were there for the tags in ps2. I didn't actually have to do active recruitment. So kowlefe may be the better choice if it comes to active advertisement.

    I'd be more than happy to be the welcome committee and making sure people are a good fit either way.
    Phaedo and GhostSheets like this.
  8. Kowlefe

    Kowlefe .

    Jun 2, 2012
    I can gladly handle recruitment with Hospi. I'm better at the forum side of things now since I don't play AA but I can try for BF4. Ghost knows I make recruitment my bitch and always stay on top of it unless something comes up!
  9. Hospiwhater

    Hospiwhater .

    May 17, 2014
    I'm interested in seeing what games people would like to try out. My idea on the matter is that we aren't playing many big team games or games like planetside or war thunder that draw a lot of people to an outfit. Archeage is a weird one, I thought we would have gotten a lot of people from it but it's really difficult to recruit in that game. It's a game of gravity wells. The bigger yours is when getting into it, the more people are attracted to it. Unfortunately no one really wants to join an outfit if friends when you can get all your gear and dungeons done the next day in goons or forestcrow.

    I used the term "if you build it, they will come." i would love to see ideas on team games we can try out and see if we can't find something a lot of us want to play and make a name for NNG in and get some new interest in NNG.
    GhostSheets likes this.
  10. icebalm

    icebalm Administrator

    May 4, 2013
    I'm not entirely concerned about gaining new recruits from PS2. Public platoons will probably do that for us. I am concerned about who is willing to lead squads.