Overall take on NNG last night

Discussion in 'PS2 Main' started by Ajax, Jan 26, 2013.

Overall take on NNG last night

Discussion in 'PS2 Main' started by Ajax, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. Ajax

    Ajax I piss on Spark Plugs

    Dec 11, 2012
    Overall you guys and gals kicked ass, good hard fought wins.
    We never gave in, even when things looked ugly and we worked well with our allies in blowing away the TR and NC.
    I have one MAJOR critique which has been a focal point of this outfit for a while now, and yet we still do not follow the rule.
    Incessant chatter on the comms !!!!! I am going to be brutal here so take it as you must but it needs to be said.
    If you're not calling out an enemy vehicle, an enemy rush, or a point being flipped against us.... SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!
    I understand it when the first 2 or 3 people call out that they cannot pick up ammo, it must be a lag bug, but for fucks sake people, I heard people calling it out 20 and 25 minutes afterwards that they couldnt pick up ammo.
    I know the response to this, we didnt hear it called out earlier, well yes you did, problem is that theres such chatter about how many kills we got or that guys a hacker or its laggy that you cant focus on everything being said at once... Suprise !!! More useless chatter cluttering up the coms !!!!
    Its becoming a very sore spot because its starting to frustrate a lot of people, and as officers we cannot hear other things going on becasue of everyone yelling over one another.
    I want to give a huge thumbs up to Nraged, at the Bastion, he was spot on every time a point was flipping to the enemy side, he called it out, and thats all I heads from him (besides asking for a Lib gunner once).
    I know in the heat of a huge battle like last night things can get frustrating and crazy but overall, you all adults here, us officers ask that you excersize better controll of yourselves over Teamspeak.
    When theres a break in the battle or we ae just moving to a new point, chat away, at least until an officer starts to make an announcement, pick and choose your moments correctly and everyone will be happy.

    Now again Aside from the comms chatter, orders were followed !!!!
    You all moved as a unit (at least until the end of the last challenge) and we did what we were ordered to do.
    In all I would say NNG's performance was a score of an A.
    We lose the + for the comms chatter but everything else you guys and gals did was spot on 100%.

    OK now someone go back to the Bastion and pick up all those unexploded lag grenades that ae all over the B and C points....
    Phragg, Geneau and Jaamaw like this.
  2. Jaamaw

    Jaamaw .

    Dec 5, 2011
    Use oven mitts, they may be hot!
  3. Nraged

    Nraged I fly things

    Dec 17, 2012
    I didnt even need nades, all I had to do is go Heavy, pop my shield, run through the group of enemies and they would kill each other!!!
  4. Kowlefe

    Kowlefe .

    Jun 2, 2012
    I agree. During serious ops like last night we need comm scilence. Ajax and I were in the alliance vent and half the time I couldn't hear them because you guys were chatting about useless things. I had to ask for a repeat in the vent and had to appologize numerous times. The AT leader asked me to start yelling at you guys in the begining but I did not want to do that, you should know better. When I snapped at you all in TS during the bastion threatening to remove you from the channel if you continue usless chatter I was not kidding and I will hold my word on that during ops, sub divisions and nightly.
    Geneau likes this.
  5. Phragg

    Phragg Donating Member

    Aug 11, 2012
    One more HUGE issue that is getting ridiculously out of hand: Blatantly talking over other people.

    I know you hear them talking before you spew that diarrhea from your mouth. I don't like to throw my weight around and make insta-ban threats because I don't believe in instant removal, but if I keep hearing it you will be moved to another channel after a clear warning. Have some respect and shut the fuck up when others are speaking. Especially officers giving orders or conveying relevant battlefield information.

    Save your leet kill streak stories for the forums. The occasional "OMG I just farted and killed a TR from 300 meters " is fine.

    That being said, when you DO speak, make it short and sweet.


    • "Guys, I really think we should think about heading to Quartz Ridge, my spidey senses are tingling and it's telling me that there could be a massive wave of these flying machines that look like cows, and there might be tanks and infantry, I'm not sure. Also I just got this new iPad for my cat, he really thinks it is neat, but he likes to shit on it so I might have to return it. Grandma lost her dildo again, but that's OK because my dog found it under my bed"

    • "Quartz Ridge under attack, requesting Liberator support, several tanks and sundy support, deploy AA" or something similar.
  6. Jaamaw

    Jaamaw .

    Dec 5, 2011

    lvloss, Ajax and Phragg like this.
  7. Ajax

    Ajax I piss on Spark Plugs

    Dec 11, 2012
    Also add yelling onto this... There is no need to yell into your mics, we understand you're excited or need to be heard, but yelling about it on TS will not endear you to your squadmates one bit
    Jaamaw likes this.
  8. CrazyKillerCat

    CrazyKillerCat Admin & Graphics Designer

    Dec 3, 2011
    Shame I missed it:(
  9. GhostSheets

    GhostSheets Opus Eponymous

    Dec 3, 2011

    I agree with this wholeheartedly. I was so annoyed the first time I played PS2 with a lot of NNG guys and was getting cut off left and right. Blatantly interrupted. It was very insulting and I felt like I got slapped in the face. Learn to let someone else finish, and if you have to cut someone off it never hurts to say "sorry Phragg, I didn't mean to cut you off back there".

    Sheesh :rolleyes:
  10. Deathrus

    Deathrus .

    Oct 21, 2012
    When did you start playing ps2 ghost?