Open Letter to NNG Planetside 2 Memebers

Discussion in 'Main' started by Jaamaw, Oct 9, 2014.

Open Letter to NNG Planetside 2 Memebers

Discussion in 'Main' started by Jaamaw, Oct 9, 2014.

  1. Jaamaw

    Jaamaw .

    Dec 5, 2011
    Open letter to NNG Planetside 2 division members,

    The recent happenings in Planetside have been somewhat lackluster and honestly troubling to me as a long time paying member and investor of my personal time into the game to help it become something greater. Several developers have stepped away from the game, developers who have been in association with the Planetside franchise for over 10 years spanning back to Planetside 1. It started with Luperza (Maggie) stepping away from the game, then several developers followed (Clegg, T-Ray and Malorn) leaving only a single original developer in the game. It has taken me a while but I realize that even though there is no game quite like Planetside 2, it does not fulfill my needs as a gamer, even though at one time it did. I feel that over the course of 2 and a half years the game still has some of the original intrinsic problems it has had since beta.None of these problems have truly been fixed ever since the game has been released out of beta, even though they have been worked on and addressed for the games lifespan.Progression towards making Planetside 2 competitive has become stagnant and especially after the stunt SOE pulled off at SOE Live 2014 Squad competition, many of our friends have moved off to other games (CML, DA, 903, QRY, N, BWC), one of which being ArcheAge, to quench their competitive thirst.

    I’m sure you are now thinking, “What is all of this leading to?”

    For the Planetside 2 community, I think it will thin out more and more as time goes on until there are the same 500 people logging in each day to fight the same fight they did the day before.

    For the Planetside 2 game itself, I am thinking it is dead. It literally hurts me to say it but I have come to accept it. Our friends are leaving, the Dev’s are leaving and nothing is progressing.

    “What about for NNG?”

    Today I have made the final decision to step down from my leadership position within the Planetside 2 division and have made a joint decision between my co-lead ThaneKrios and the other officers to close down the division. It has been a choice that was literally bearing down on me, and took well over a month to come to. I had been discussing it with Thane throughout that time and he was very supportive and helpful in moving to this choice.

    Server smash this weekend will be the official final event for the division as we give it a proper farewell.

    I will remain as the outfit leader for NNG, just to ensure that everything stays the same and if needed, I can hop into game and alter things accordingly at a member’s request. Officers will retain their titles in game and the Planetside 2 officer tag in teamspeak will be changed to “Planetside 2 Alumni” to denote their dedication to leadership and responsibility that they put into the division and earned.The teamspeak channels themselves will be consolidated and relocated. Forum banners will remain on current division members but will no longer be granted to new people who join; it is now a novelty banner. The Planetside 2 forums will be merged and moved from their current location, no posts will be lost they will just be moved. The PS2 tab on the Recent Threads list will be removed.

    All forms of play within Planetside 2 will be member driven; any practices and events will be free for any to participate with other outfits if they wish. We as a community will no longer recruit via the Planetside 2 official form. Any new members who are coming in through Planetside 2 will use the general membership form. All members will now be able to invite others into the outfit to accommodate this.

    Planetside 2 was the most successful division that NNG has had yet. Almost three years ago, Planetside 2 was open beta and we started the division. I can remember the first day Esamir came out and VS warpgated the NC and TR. I knew at that moment that it was going to be an amazing experience. Time went on, and open recruitment brought in many of the people who are reading this now. Overall we accumulated 1000+ people to the website just from Planetside 2 with over 600 people as being a member at one point or another. What an amazing accomplishment. We went from being recognized as a “zergfit” to being one of the most adversarial outfits on our server, striking fear into our enemies on the battlefields. Our attitude, member base and outstanding leadership core attributed to a lot of our success as an outfit. Time and time again we would pull others from outfits which were sub-par to join our ranks, seeking the perfect Planetside 2 experience. This says a lot about who we were, infamous to the enemy and famous to the VS. We were able to accomplish being NA finalists for CC Season 1, participate in PAL, create ION and lead a successful server smash. Time and time again our outfit was put to the test and we came out on top. Even when we didn’t, we dedicated ourselves to checking our errors, correcting them, learning and growing then coming back to beat our foes with greater power. NNG PS2 outfit had no singular specialty, we were amazing at combined arms play which was the way the game was designed to be played, to me this was our best success and our strongest feature.

    Three years of outfit meetings, game nights, events, practices, competitions, laughter, frustration, perseverance and dunking on shitties. Personally this was a monumentally rewarding experience, which I know I grew and learned a lot from. It was truly an honor and a privilege to lead the PS2 division and work with all of its members and officers. In the end it was not the game that kept me playing but rather the people I was playing with, the members of NNG and the officers, which made the game the positive experience it was.

    As for my future plans; Highlander, Ernst and Thane and I have consoled each other and determined that I will remain in the administrative position within NNG as the NNG Community Leader (Ghostsheets old position, kind of like CEO of NNG) to service all general leadership, members and recruits or any division’s needs. I will also be active in monitoring the website and teamspeak’s back end to provide that it is consistently available.Thane will be NNG Community Organizer, overseeing events from divisions to ensure that one event doesn’t overlap with another’s, maintaining a clean flow to the Team Speak, Website and proving a monthly NNG newsletter to all members (more details to come)!He will also be taking charge of the NNG Design Team (if you don’t know what this is please ask! We need more people on it!). This ensures that if there are ever things that need to be discussed such as concerns, questions, ideas, compliments or complaints you will have familiar faces to bring them to.

    To quote Closing Time: “Every new beginning is some other beginnings end”.

    Do not view this as a negative thing that happens, but rather a positive thing that happened and look onward into the future for the new games we as a community embrace and can share with eachother to keep the laughter, meetings, determination and events going!

    -Community Leader Jaamaw, Community Organizer Thane & PS2 Officer/Tacticians
  2. Keleborn

    Keleborn The Italian Stallion

    Nov 10, 2012
    It was a good run while we lasted
    Jaamaw likes this.
  3. Patrick

    Patrick Ireland - Sunshine is a Rumour.

    Nov 22, 2012
    We all knew it was coming, it's just kind of sad to see it in words. I for one won't be stopping planetside for a bit yet, BR93 so I'm nearly done, right?

    Also, Jaam, thanks for everything for what, the past two years? Three years? I've kind of lost count.
  4. MikeHonchoYou

    MikeHonchoYou .

    Apr 10, 2014
    Jaamaw :D As sad as i am to hear this i understand completely :) Vanu Mattherson will always hold a special place in my heart the people i have seen and met in Planetside 2 have more than kept me involved in this game. I never thought i would come to know these lovely online strangers as teammates and more importantly friends ( if the concept of friends online is a socially acceptable term). Meeting, teaching, recruiting and training people within nightmare battalion was an excellent learning experience for me.

    To you Jaamaw i want to say thank you for accepting me in this community, you made me feel welcomed and gave me opportunities i never thought you would. Never thought i would get to play against DA in a pal scrim alongside yourself and Mustarde in the squad. So thank you and to many others as well Thane, Shuzzah and many others :)

    I will still be playing planetside nearly at my second BR100. Kind of makes me sad that i have been playing this whole time on a piece of shit laptop then get a beast pc hit my stride and everyone leaves.

    Ill just be here waiting for Star citizen :)
    Jaamaw, ThaneKrios and Nraged like this.
  5. DarthXaos

    DarthXaos .

    Jun 5, 2014
    I think in addition to Server Smash, which only a limited number can participate in and is early afternoon on a Sunday, we should do one final "primetime" event on the live server where everyone who used to play PS and has moved on to something else comes back for one last night in a primetime platoon on live server, give a proper sendoff.
  6. Sprack

    Sprack .

    Jul 26, 2014
    Speaking for myself, though I'm sure @MrsSprack and the other Victory Over IP founders would agree, I appreciate the high example you and NNG set for how a player and outfit could conduct themselves. We will be continuing full steam with PS2 and will miss your leadership on the server, but will aspire to the benchmark you are leaving.

    Maybe before you delete your client you could stop by VOIP on a Saturday to do one of my wife's Training Wheels OFF sessions (AMA and short play session) and leave a bit of parting wisdom.

    In any case I wish you and NNG the best and thank you for your contributions to the community.
  7. MikeHonchoYou

    MikeHonchoYou .

    Apr 10, 2014
    ^^^ The Briggs server is supposed to be coming saturday night for their SS training.

    HIGHLANDER Administrator,Motivational speaker,van dweller

    Jan 29, 2013
    not to flame this post but we never had that "meeting" you referred to and to use me and say I agreed to something I did not ....not good mojo my friend
    Captain Murasa, Ajax and Kowlefe like this.
  9. Captain Murasa

    Captain Murasa brb buying a rubber duck

    Mar 4, 2014
    Kinda saw this happening. Welp.

    I'll still be around. Somehow.

    I'm not exactly motivated to join you guys in Archeage yet, but I will be joining you guys sometimes for Arma 3/Breaking Point and maybe step into War Thunder.

    Don't get me wrong. I actually fully support ArcheAge since the beginning. For some reason, just running around (solo, yeah, I know. It's hard grinding by yourself) isn't exciting and makes me fall asleep. (So, if someone saw me on Steam, you would see me play Final Fantasy.)

    Either way, I'll probably pop into ArcheAge eventually or play some more PS2 with some of my other friends who recently got into the game. However, do expect me back for Star Citizen!
    Nraged and ThaneKrios like this.
  10. Jaamaw

    Jaamaw .

    Dec 5, 2011
    While discussing this in the PM, Highlander did not agree with the closing of the division, just so that this is on the record.