Need help from all 3 NNG factions (TR,NC,VS) for some community service

Discussion in 'PS2 Main' started by IIXianderII, Jun 9, 2014.

Need help from all 3 NNG factions (TR,NC,VS) for some community service

Discussion in 'PS2 Main' started by IIXianderII, Jun 9, 2014.

  1. IIXianderII

    IIXianderII .

    Nov 21, 2013
    Hey guys, now that we kind of have an established foothold on all 3 factions and with the Mattherson Waterson* merge coming up I was thinking of a way we could help new players learn planetside without getting frustrated at things they don't understand.

    My idea is to have a day where we run 3 squads, one on each faction, and whenever we kill a lower BR player we refer them to our squad on their faction to help them. The goal is to answer any questions they have, teach them some effective ways to stay alive and contribute to their team, and to hopefully get them to stick around in planetside. I know there are a lot of new players that jump in, get killed repeatedly, can't find a good fight, and end up quitting before they ever figure out what they are doing. I think this kind of community outreach would have a positive effect on the PS2 community as new players are the only way this game is going to grow.

    Now this idea is not to recruit people to NNG, in fact I think it would be better if we referred these newer players to the more casual outfits like DaPP, AT, AOD, VCO, etc until they get a firmer grasp on the game and decide whether or not they like it. Most newer players would not really fit in the NNG way of operating, but this would still be a net positive to the game even if we don't get more NNG recruits. Doing this will definitely get the NNG name out there though for those newer players, and the ones that decide they like the game and stick around for a few months may even come looking for us.

    Let me know if you guys think this is something you would like to do, because I think the Mattherson Waterson* merge coming up, and the hossin update will the the perfect storm for us to have great success with doing something like this.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2014
    gregfox, Sergeant, lvloss and 4 others like this.
  2. VSDerp

    VSDerp .

    Aug 12, 2013
    mattherson and waterson xiander lol not miller. i couldn't merge with those shit turds.
  3. TheCrisisBusiness

    TheCrisisBusiness Yeah, I'm still here

    Jul 10, 2013
    Mattherson and miller now?!?!?! Is this post Mattherson waterson merge?!?!? Jk
  4. IIXianderII

    IIXianderII .

    Nov 21, 2013
    Yea my bad, I mix up names in my head a lot.
    VSDerp likes this.
  5. Patrick

    Patrick Ireland - Sunshine is a Rumour.

    Nov 22, 2012
    Great idea here
    Shuzaah likes this.
  6. okolepooka

    okolepooka The one and only Tactical Fapper

    Feb 7, 2013
    I like this idea, but what if we go the whole 9yrds and create a sub outfit specifically for the new players, we could call it No Nonsense FNG's. This way they can get a full sense of what the game is about, they would have, say a week of "training" and then given the choice - leave the nest, or join our community (provided they meet the requirements). This choice can also be given exclusively to people we think would fit instead of everyone.
  7. IOLAR2011

    IOLAR2011 Shoutbox Operator Extraordinaire

    Mar 23, 2013
    TBH, we don't need to create a second outfit, we can just have the NNG FNG squad name listed, like we name casual squads or recruitment squads, that they can join and create a teamspeak channel for them. WT for example, has channels for each level of the matches but all the members are NNG, they just play at the level they are more comfortable with.

    Edit: Unless people want to create new officer roles and manage a second outfit.

    Edit 2: People would need to create another character to be officer of second outfit and unless you are a member or played since beta, you only have 3 slots, so one for each faction
  8. Shuzaah

    Shuzaah .

    May 13, 2014
    When I played Arma 2 I took part in ShackTactical which you may have heard of. They had a huge FNG group that worked similarly. Even if we dont go that route it would be great to have open a squads for new players. But i hope NNGT is ready for multiple platoons of lowbie TRs that JCST mows down ;)

    HIGHLANDER Administrator,Motivational speaker,van dweller

    Jan 29, 2013
    Being a causual Ps2 player, I have missed out on our progression to an elite unit. Congrats to those involved, but let us not loose site of why NNG became NNG. If we recuit or assist a player the door should always be open for that player to submit an application to NNG. I understand the premise of being the good guys but we already are, and referring them to AOD et al would not be wise in my humble opinion. I agree with Iolar on the squads this is how we grew in the past and it makes solid sense. Are you guys still running casual squads?
    ZeroXephon, Sergeant and Shuzaah like this.
  10. Shuzaah

    Shuzaah .

    May 13, 2014
    It seems most NNG / JCST squads are usually private. Same goes for a lot of the better outfits which is unfortunate imo. We wonder why BL/AOD/TAS/VG get so many players and in turn those players dont get much better but the simple reason is they are like wiiiide open doors.

    Now, that said, I dont want to be one of those aformentionsd outfits. I love our tightknit community. But occassional open squads with a possible requirement for ppl to join TS could be great for not only us but a lot of players who cant find where are all the good outfits are.

    Back when I ran XRD/XRDS for awhile we would have private squads during our casual times when we just wanted play by ourselves and chat on TS. But we would also leave them open a few days a week, to see who filters through.

    Going even further back in my gaming history, when I was a memberof the non-ps2 gaming community BadAssWankers from 2009-Jan 2014 we would focus really really hard on getting ppl in our teamspeak, but only so far as we assumed they were good ppl. For some reason TS is a major retention tool. It shows theyre willing to go out of the game to further connect with you, and as we all know being dedicated and having dedicated members coming in at a pretty steady base is crucial for longterm survivability.

    All in all, what is better for ps2 longterm? 10k AOD members who have undeveloped skills and a lack of community or an increased level of skill in the average player. If we want to be competitive we need to have more competitive players on live to test ourselves against. You dont get better farming lower tier outfits.

    Just my 2cents