My new War Thunder vid

Discussion in 'WT Media' started by Linchpinn, May 7, 2013.

My new War Thunder vid

Discussion in 'WT Media' started by Linchpinn, May 7, 2013.

  1. Linchpinn

    Linchpinn Resident Slacker

    Aug 12, 2012
    Ok... there are something like 7 (ish) game modes... but there are 3 big ones, and I'll outline them here:

    Arcade Battles - This mode is the most popular, with the most running matches & people playing at any given time. The video I posted above is an arcade match. There is a feature of the game called instructor that is most used in arcade, and what it dose is help keep you from putting your plane into a flat or other unrecoverable spin, and helps you handle your plane in small ways. This is done so people with no flight sim experience can hop right into the game and have fun with it. You also get a circle in front of your target that shows you the basic area you need to aim to score hits. Also done to help entry level players. In arcade, you can play as any country in any round. in my opinion, in this mode it's best to fly in 3rd person view and to use mouse aim. This mode has the smallest maps (though they are still very big). You get auto reload in this mode, as in, when you run out of ammo, there is a counter, and when it counts down you get your full load of ammo back. If you take damage though, you either fly on till you die, or you can return to base to repair.

    Historical Battles - This mode is much harder, and aimed at those that have put alot of time in the air either in this game, or other flight games, as it's much less forgiving. In HB, you do not get much Instructor aid at all, and if you're not careful and dont know the limits of the plane you're in, you can snap your wings off by going too fast, or turn too sharp causing you to stall and/or go into an unrecoverable spin, just as you would in real life. You do not get the circle that helps tell you were to aim, so knowing how to lead your targets is a must. Also, there is a limit to the countries that can be on a certain team... as in, you can not fly as the germans and have US team mates like you can in arcade. While I personally still fly in HB in 3rd person view, and with mouse aim, people that prefer joysticks and/or flying in cockpit view do much better here. The maps for this mode are MUCH bigger. You do not auto reload guns/bombs, you must return to base to re-arm & repair.

    Full Real Battles - This is the most hardcore version of the game. I have yet to play this mode, but here are the basics about it. There is no instructor aid what-so-ever. There is no views other then cockpit view. The circle to tell you where to aim is not there. And I could be wrong, but I think there is also no mouse aim mode. Other then that, it's much the same as historical battles...

    Scoring kills in each of those 3 modes are progressively worth more, as each mode is harder then the previous.

    At this time, all crew slots in a plane that you yourself are not currently controlling are controlled by AI. Though, I just found out today that in the coming ground aspect they are building into the game, they will be testing the ability of more then one player being in the same ground unit at the same time to work as a team. IF that works out and they keep it in the game, they will attempt to do the same with air units, as in, for example, you could be flying the plane and I could man the guns. But for now, that is not in the game at all.

    If you're looking for good war thunder vids to watch, i would recommend this guy:

    I've learned so so much from his vids.

    I fly with the mouse aim control set-up, and in 3rd person view, as said above. And I do well with it because I'm mainly an arcade player. It's the default set-up, and the game is really built around it. Though, I'll warn you, it took me a day or 2 to adjust to the differences from flying jets in BF games. But once you get the hang of it, it feels very natural. If you're a hardcore joystick fan, I would really recommend spending more time in HB then in arcade since the instructor feature is built to help mouse aim, but interferes with what you're trying to do with a joystick.
  2. GhostSheets

    GhostSheets Opus Eponymous

    Dec 3, 2011
    I've gotta say you really pushed me to go after this game and now that I have I'm pretty excited. Thanks for breaking me from BF3.

    I did end up watching about a 2 hour tutorial this morning where one guy went through everything from controls, countries, planes, crews, ranking up, gold, points and eeevvveeerything else. It was a GREAT video. So I did download it and stuck to tutorials for the first few flights. You're right, it is FAR from flying jets in BF3. You can't just use a mouse to control all of your turning and altitude. This threw me off a bit because I'm so used to just throwing the mouse around to do a loop, or a turn. Having more keys will definitely take getting used too, but I guess I'm just noobed out from BF.

    I will probably stick to Arcade Battles for now so I can get a feel for things. I will need all the aids I can get. I may try a joystick for the heck of it just to see how it feels. The planes are almost overly responsive and quite wobbly if you move the mouse around a lot. It feels good to be playing something new though. I'm a total fanboy when it comes to gaming. I latch onto something and spend hundreds of hours on it. Hopefully I can do a deep dive into this.

    I'm really interested in seeing how it plays out with everyone on TS. I'm assuming its fun as hell! I like that these aren't 30 ft radius dog fights and there is a ton more territory involved.

    I may be able to jump on tonight if I have some free time. Looking forward to playing with you Linch!
  3. Linchpinn

    Linchpinn Resident Slacker

    Aug 12, 2012

    a few things to know:

    Low tier planes are very shaky compared to later planes. you'll see what I mean as you progress, and it makes sense seeing as bi-planes in real life fly much slower & are more nimble.

    watch out for rammers in arcade. both enemy, and friendlies. In arcade, you get more then one plane per round, so if you lose one to a ram, no big deal (thinks the rammers). Add that to the noobishness of players in low tier games, and you'll see lots of rams. it happens, and alot. That's one thing that is sooo much better about HB rounds... in HB you get one plane per round, so if you ram, you're out. Much more incentive to try to stay alive as long as possible.

    Can you link me to the vid you're refering to above?
  4. Kowlefe

    Kowlefe .

    Jun 2, 2012
    I'll try and jump on tonight too. It's been some time since I played
  5. Linchpinn

    Linchpinn Resident Slacker

    Aug 12, 2012
    biggest problem that might prevent us from setting up an NNG WT division:

    The server joining system is vastly different then the BF games. There are clusters of servers in RU, Europe, and most recently opened, the US. But to join a server, all you do is hit join game, and it will randomly place you into the next round that's starting. You do not get to pick the map. And say we have 15 NNG members that all want to play the same round together... even if we all hit join battle at the exact same moment, there is no real garentee that we'll all get into the same game, let alone on the same side.

    There is a squad system in place to let you play with friends. You get the people into the squad, squad members hit the ready button and then the squad leaders takes the squad as a whole into a round. This is cool, but is limited. If the person making the squad dose not have a premium account, the squad size is maxed at 2. If he dose have premium, the max size is 4. So, if there is 5 to 20 of us all wanting to play together, odds are greatly against all of the squads getting into the same game, again, let alone the same side. Soooo...

    If WT takes off in NNG, and we have large groups wanting to play, we'll have to break down into smaller squads and each pay our rounds separately from the other squads.

    THOUGH, there are other modes, such as custom games, historical campaigns, & a few others that we have more control over, will not run into limiting how many people can play together, as well as being able to pick the maps & game parameters we want to play.

    It's my understanding that they placed limits on how many friends can be in the same game because of balance issues. But I really hope they re-think their current system, because IMO, to be a large hit in the PC gaming communities, they will have to have more options for clans that wish to game together...
  6. GhostSheets

    GhostSheets Opus Eponymous

    Dec 3, 2011

    I hate rammers! I mean, why? Why not just shoot someone down? Ramming = you die. I will never understand /headbang
  7. Kowlefe

    Kowlefe .

    Jun 2, 2012
    Maybe they went to flight school in Japan back during WWII :laugh:
  8. Linchpinn

    Linchpinn Resident Slacker

    Aug 12, 2012
    Most of the time it's an accident or a game of chicken taken too far. I myself have rammed by mistake more then once. But, sometimes an enemy with a lack of skill will take his plane and go directly to the biggest threat on the map and ram right into it (usually bombers), and they justify it by saying it helped their team by removing said threat. It's sad, but it happens... Also, friendly rams happen due to lack of skill OR greed. By greed I mean, there has been countless times where I'm on someone's ass, about to take him out, then out of no where a team mates gets on my targets tail as well and crashes into me in trying to steal my kill. Soooo frustrating. To avoid this situation, i find it best to instead of flying directly behind your target, come at it from a higher angle, make your pass, climb back up, line up, and make another pass. Might be a bit slower to take a target out like that sometimes, but you avoid the pack of skill-less friendlies directly behind your target.
  9. Kowlefe

    Kowlefe .

    Jun 2, 2012
    Tip of the day: Even if a friendly bird it getting it's ass kicked, do not try to jump in and save him. It will somehow piss him off and he will ram you.

    ^ I did that my first game and the guy rammed me all game until I left. (Total homo intended!!! :D )
  10. Linchpinn

    Linchpinn Resident Slacker

    Aug 12, 2012
    lmao! ya, i was on a dude one day, and this dude on my team came right in on us to get the kill, but ended up hitting me in the process. his ram did more damage to himself then to me, he crashed right away, but I was able to limp back to base and repair. But as I was repairing, he spawns in another plane, and flies right to me and kills me while I was on the airstrip. I said 'wtf', and he said it's what I get for ramming him! lmao

    Oh, the joys of the internet :)
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