Well it seems that some of our names are not welcome in good time gamers or GTG server. THey found Darklord and Mofo offensive in name nature and permabanned them through PB last night. Their reasoning is sound( if you believe in narcisisitic christians who make up their values as they go along). I for one will not go back there, after I asked why I was berated and told if I had to ask I wasnt smart enough to understand, by one member who wasnt wearing tags. So in summation without them lifting the ban oand apologizing I will not visit their server again.
That is bullshit. Banning for a name isn't even right flat out... Sounds more like someone got too big for their britches and tried to mix personal values with a game too much. Its just a name and way too much work to change it. Plus if they want to play like that, I should have been banned because the bible says a man should not lay with another man and boy have I made many homoerotic comments with other guys on the server. This right here is my issue with servers that have those stupid rules and that is flat out admin abuse.
By the way, "Please note that Server Administrators should not ban players for conduct that is not in breach of the TOS, for example, just because they are winning the round, have killed you, etc. The player being banned must be in violation of the TOS (which may include violation of the particular server's rules, provided these rules are in accordance with the TOS). " They can't ban for their name because its against TOS as quoted above. Most offensive names are caught by the EA system upon creation. If the name itself was viewed as offensive they have to report the player, not ban anyway. Those bans were unjustified.
okies... lemme see wtf i can do.. but if i get a NO then we just do our thing as usual.. just not with GTG ... sorry guys..
funny thing the TOS isnt enforced at any level, we brought that up and we were told that they go above and beyond the TOS set forth by EA
Virus, from what I understand it was from Nice Guy himself doing it through PB, which is cowardice if you ask me.
hell with it we have better things to do than dealing with thier shit... apparently they bounced belch 2x cause his kd was too high... and hes a gtg member rofl
I, personally, will be glad to not be playing with the pretentious assholes any more. Battlefield is a game where you run around and brutally murder each other while your characters yell obscenities...but you toss a foul txt word in chat and it's all over buddy. I've also never seen a server kick people so frequently just for doing well. Several of us have been on the receiving end of that. The admins are either on a serious power trip or filled to the brim with hypocrisy and bullshit. Probably both. There are better places to play and better people to do it with.