Brief Question

Discussion in 'PS2 Main' started by PsyberMind, Jul 27, 2013.

Brief Question

Discussion in 'PS2 Main' started by PsyberMind, Jul 27, 2013.

  1. PsyberMind

    PsyberMind .

    Jul 26, 2013
    I know I'm not in the outfit as of yet, but I'm hoping someone can reply and give me some direction.

    Right now, I'm just tossing cert points into whatever a.) I can afford, or b.) items I "Think" will help me. I know that I'm pretty much doing this in the blind, can anyone point me to some decent resources for a new player (other than the Basic Training, which IMO is a bit too basic)

    I normally play as HA, but it seems whenever I get into the thick of things, I'm just turned into virtual swiss cheese. I know I need to work on my recoil countering (I dunno if I'll EVER get the hang of that,) as I'm probably 1 for 100 in hit percentages...

    I do try to follow whatever tactics are being used by the squads around me, and I've tried joining a few, only to get kicked 3-4 deaths later, so I kinda shy away from joining any if I can avoid it.. I guess I just want to get better lol..

    Thanks in Advance
  2. InsaneSeal

    InsaneSeal .

    Nov 20, 2012
    Here are two HA videos that might be able to help a little:

    They're from:
    He has some pretty good videos that might be able to help with other things besides Heavy if you want to take a look.
    lvloss, Sergeant and Jaamaw like this.
  3. TheXenonCodex1

    TheXenonCodex1 I found their mines, guys.

    Oct 23, 2012
    m'kay. lemmie preface by saying i can't aim for shit, and i'm generally bad at engaging by myself. but that's because i have to use a joystick instead of a mouse. but what i DO know, is the various guns and such. i'm gonna assume you're using the Orion, since you haven't said you bought any guns. now, i hesitate to say you're gonna definitely need to spend money, because if you're not sure if you're going to be any good at the game, spending money on it is a bit of a hard sell. so let's see if we can't get you down with the default shit first.
    the Orion, if you haven't noticed, is a bit of a bullet hose. high rof, but only a 50 round clip. the first thing i'd suggest you do is, get a 1X reflex. but, you might say, innit a bit limiting to have something that's only a bit better than the iron sights? well yeah, if the gun was meant to be used for longer ranges. this one isn't. i'm sure a few people here run with different optics, but for you and me, having that open, clear view of what's going on is important. we can't control the recoil enough to snipe.

    secondly, aim for the chest. if you haven't gotten used to pressing Fire AS you start moving your mouse down, by the time you start moving it, you should be at neck level or a little higher and might just get that fraction of your clip on the head.

    don't be afraid to stay back and camp angles for a little while. it might just be you're rushing into a room with three guys with TR carbines, and expecting to mow them down. the gun isn't designed to take on that many people, and while i'm sure most of the higher level NNG have got their groove locked down where they know when to switch to their pistols and keep rolling, i know i can't do that to save my life.

    according to Wrel, switching to ADS WHILE hipfiring will NOT have the same accuracy as ADS'ing, then firing. i have no idea about this, since my accuracy is balls anyway. i'm sure someone else can give you more info.

    try not to empty your mag completely in a fight. lmg's have reloads that mean death anyways, but if you're not bumrushing a entire squad, you should be able to run away and at least get a short reload in.

    BUY HEALTH/RESTO KITS. i prefer resto myself, as the healing will continue if you get hit right after, as you'll likely be running away when you pop one. cert into it, make sure you've equipped it, hit 4 [if you don't have c4], click fire. i don't know if you can waste them, but i'd make sure you only click fire once.

    talk to other NNG on here. i'm just a noob, and have only figured out the obvious shit. we have several br 100's. ie they know their shit.

    if you feel like spending money, you can pick up [or trial] the Polaris. this is what i prefer. 100 mag = fewer reloads. advanced laser dot means you can hipfire without bothering to ADS, and it has the 2X reflex, which is the easiest scope to use imo. i think it also has the extended mags, if you suddenly develop a cramp in your finger and need 200 rounds to get that one bullyhopping Infil. could be wrong, though.

    TL;DR: these are things i know from playing a good while. i also have opinions about things/could be wrong. these people are very helpful, and don't mind answering any questions, so long as you don't do too much asking IN GAME. i hope you get to where you feel comfortable and enjoy playing.
    lvloss likes this.
  4. Ajax

    Ajax I piss on Spark Plugs

    Dec 11, 2012
    Its great to see questions like this !!! No one should be afraid to ask questions to help better themselves, but please like Psybermind just did, keep them on the forums, during ops times when we are trying to use comms to communicate is really a bad time to get into weapon and armor conversations.
    Phaedo, ZoidBorg and Jaamaw like this.
  5. icebalm

    icebalm Administrator

    May 4, 2013
    The Orion, numbers wise, has the lowest TTK (time to kill, lower = better) of any VS LMG, however I would go with a 2x reflex. If you're close enough to aim down sights with a 1x reflex you should be hip firing anyways. This is a game about lag and milliseconds, every little bit counts.

    I would say get used to aiming for the head now, it'll help you master recoil.

    Rushing into an outnumbered situation is never a good idea.... ever.

    You can waste them, however I recommend medkits instead. They give you full health instantly, where resto kits will only restore 75-80% of a health bar over time. This is unless the continent you're playing on is lagged to hell, where both of them will fail to work completely. This is the bug I despise the most since it's been in since beta.

    The Polaris has one of the highest TTKs of any LMG, I would not recommend using it. A good "sidegrade" to the Orion would be the SVA-88, it has mostly the same TTK numbers as the Orion, but a larger clip. This spreadsheet is great to look at different weapons TTK values, but it is only a guide, different playstyles will lend themselves to different weapons.

    And just remember, when it comes to shields: Resist with Nanoweave Armor, Nanite Mesh Generator or Adrenaline with Flak armor.
  6. Sotet

    Sotet See Sw0ltet, be firmly erect.

    Jan 29, 2013
    Correct me if I'm wrong someone, but I do not believe that the Orion has a 2x scope.

    I played HA for a while exclusively, and the Orion is still my favorite weapon in its class. While not a long range gun, (anything outside of 40m I won't even shoot at) its TTK in close quarters and very manageable recoil, when used correctly can make you a force to be reckoned with.
  7. ILoveBuzzCut

    ILoveBuzzCut .

    May 31, 2013
    Get used to hip firing with the default LMG as that's what it's great at. With that gun you want to get in dirty and just spray down your opponents. The TTK is great on it, and that coupled with your shield will make anyone think twice about shooting at you.

    I disagree with the guy above me, bumrushing people who outnumber me is my strong suit, and often I come out on top. Don't go headon into their fire though, I find that coming in from the side or behind is MUCH easier than going where people expect you.

    A helpful tip that applies here that I've learned from a video jaam linked me, is that, on average, someone will react to something they expect in about .2 seconds. Someone will react to something they DON'T expect in about .5 seconds. Lets say the average latancy bumps everything up by a half a second. SO you have ROUGHLY one second to do WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WANT to a guy before he reacts, in optimal circumstances. Use this time wisely by doing the most damage you can in that time (Some will call this burst damage). An awful lot of the time a good player like Vonic knows this instinctively and will do this out of habit, and you can pretty much always kill a guy without taking damage using this method.

    Cert advice for the heavy is take max nanoweave armor (Which is expensive), a resist shield, and a lancer. This would be your basic setup that you should pretty much have on at all times (There are situational setups as well, as icebalm mentioned). With resist shield you take less damage, not no damage, so pop it on before entering a room, and mow people down with your LMG at 5m range.
  8. icebalm

    icebalm Administrator

    May 4, 2013
    You are right, there is no 2x scope for the Orion, I stand corrected.
  9. TheCrisisBusiness

    TheCrisisBusiness Yeah, I'm still here

    Jul 10, 2013
    But before you buy ANY gun try it out in the VR training
  10. Sotet

    Sotet See Sw0ltet, be firmly erect.

    Jan 29, 2013

    The Orion is the default. I also dont think its possible to be "bad" with a Lancer, they are good buys and I would recommend them to anyone playing HA, veteran or otherwise.